Monday, July 25, 2011

What DO you have?!

Hello again!

Tip of the day= gratitude.

Ohhh this is so what I want to learn! The Lord is having a field day keeping me humble these days! I think He's probably trying to convince me that I can't make things happen. Noted, Lord? Ohhhh, yes. So noted! Everything I say or do to try and attain my desires usually leaves me feeling like a complete idiot! [all glory to God! haha]

But you know, at the same time, this is what the Lord is surfacing in me: "What DO you have, Kelli?! What DO you have?"

After such a long season of disappointment and hurt and stripping away, my little heart has completely forgotten how to be blessed in the natural! He took me into the quiet place to draw my heart closer to Him, but now that He wants to bless me externally, I have no idea how to receive it!! Because... look at the pain last month, Jesus! And look at the heartache months ago, Lord! ... honestly. Kelli. I love you, but open your eyes, girl! BIG FLOWERY FIELD OF WONDERFUL stands before you! [shaking my head]

"Devote yourself to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Colossians 4:2

This verse wrecked me a couple years ago. Perfect timing, really. Pray, yes. But pray with a watchful eye, and be thankful.

When I think about the amazing, incredible people He has placed in my life that very sincerely care about me, I am undone at His goodness. There is so much love surrounding me! If only I look to what I DO have! Praise Him, for He is good!

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