Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Great Escape

Being with people is one of my favorite things, but sometimes you just need to get away.

I absolutely love the working life, but it really detracts from the amount of personal time you get. Add in the social life, and the weekly meetings, etc, and your time gets sliced into pieces. All of this is making the sabbath more and more precious to me.

I cannot say how much I love my job, but I'm realizing that spending 8-9 hours minimum a day without getting to develop people towards the Lord is really starting to wear on me.

It would seem everything has been building up in me, and I have desperately needed a get-away. I felt like I was supposed to do something different for church this morning, but I didn't know what to do. I spoke with a friend, and he suggested hitting up a park. Finally- peace! I knew what I was supposed to do.

So this was church this morning:

I also wrote a new jingle: "I saw a bug today I never want to seeee again..." [and repeat]

And I found what may be my new favorite flower. So beautiful. :)

I didn't hear Him much while I was there, but I know He heard me, and I trust Him, so that'll do. And what's even better, He gave me so much guidance and insight on those things later in the day! What a blessing.

And what an incredible day!

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