Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bling Blingin'

Girl's got new BLING! Whaaaat?!

So at the ripe age of 24, I finally got my ears pierced! Not a moment too soon, eh?!

My parents weren't really the baby-piercing kind, and by the time I was old enough to choose, I was in year-round sports!!! Nothing like sliding/diving in rough granules of Georgia dirt and the constant ripping away of helmets to deter a girl from getting her ears pierced. :)

By the time all of that ended, I had been the girl without pierced ears for so long, it was odd to think of getting them done! 

But my daddy was talking to me about where I want to be a few years down the road. He asked me where I wanted to be, and then suggested I just make decisions and live life in a way that will get me there! 

What on earth getting my ears pierced could have to do with that will remain my own business for now. :) But suffice it to say, I am enjoying my first several hours of holy-eared Kelli!