Monday, November 29, 2010

And Now, Our Feature Presentation

This was the latter part of my letter to God this evening, and I figured I would share it with you.

"Do You ever feel like we're in two different places?
 Well, I imagine not- no.
 But I do sometimes. Sometimes I feel like we're in two completely different countries watching the same movie of my life. Exept that You are watching the extended version with all the little side bits and deleted scenes of which I am completely oblivious.  Or maybe, moreso, it feels like we are in this great movie club- where we meet together to discuss the last scenes of the movie, and the characters, and where we see the story going?! Except, again, I keep skipping out on the meetings and truthfully, hardly paying attention to the movie at all! Yes- the movie of my life. I don't really want to do that, though. The movie doesn't mean nearly as much when I'm not diving into it with You. And I don't understand half of it without Your guidance, anyway."

The movie ends up being this confusing and sordid tale where the supporting characters take over and I'm left completely bewildered to anything the main character is doing.  When I don't meet with You and lose myself in our conversations, I lose all appreciation for the movie in the first place.  I get so behind, and when I finally am forced to look back into the movie, I am still trying to sort out what happened 5 scenes ago!

I don't know why I do that.  Because, let's face it- I love movie/book discussions!  And this is a really, really great story! Seriously- I love it!

So, let's do this! I've got the popcorn, I'm sitting down, and I'm pressing start.

Back to our Feature Presentation!

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