Saturday, May 22, 2010

Does Truth Exist?

Truth: \ˈtrüth\
-The state of being the case: fact
- Actuality
- The property of being in accord with fact or reality
per Merriam-Webster's online dictionary

I'm not going to write a novel here.

I will only state that the only thing that kept me from adopting this new-age philosophy that every god is the same god- that good people go to heaven and that there is no hell- is that I could not accept the idea that there is no truth.

Truth, by definition, excludes.  In order that truth exists, there must also be falsehood.

I believe that Truth exists, and whats more: that it is attainable.  And what's best: that the Truth, Praise God, is good and hope-filled.

I believe God truly exists, and that our opinion of Him will not change who He, in TRUTH, is.

My last conclusion, also, has been that Jesus IS the truth. the life. and the way.

Praise be to Him- it is not a matter of how good I have to be to get into heaven; it is a matter of how good He is to receive me, by His blood, into His kingdom.  And I have only to sincerely love Him to be welcomed. Hallelujah!

And that's the Truth!

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