Monday, October 21, 2013

Storming the Walls of Freedom

What does it feel like to be completely free?
To be completely unhindered by perceptions and opinions and the right way of doing things and the right way of thinking and the right way of feeling?


Here's the thing for me having seen the heart of God and having said yes to Him- I live in a paradox.

Because Freedom has been placed at my feet freely, but I still have to take it up in hand, and march forth with it. Freedom is available to me in an instant, but I also have to confront everything that goes against it with force. Freedom is a battle field.

The incredible thing is that Freedom really is available! That is not just a hopeful daydream or a utopian concept; Freedom is at hand! But Freedom is also a choice. I can just as easily cage myself, and live in fear of perceptions and status quo. Or I can break out of that into freedom, and actually start offering myself and everyone around me what we have craved for so long- Freedom to be loved to death and freedom to love to death. Regardless of perception. [Insert Gospel Here]

I think when I finally allow myself to be wholly free, I will meet more opposition than I have ever met in my life. I know it, because Jesus was pretty blunt about that. In this world, I will have trouble. And do not be surprised, because thus were the prophets before us treated.

But the freedom comes in that the opposition is all external. We are no longer living under internal oppression.

"This is the judgment- that light has come into the world, but people loved darkness more than light."
- John 3:18

"Thus said the Lord your God: in repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust your strength. But you would have none of it."
- Isaiah 30:15

At my core, I refuse to love darkness more than light. And I refuse to miss out on repentance, rest, quietness, and trust. I am saved. And I am strong!